The Master’s Degree program is coordinated by the School of Law, which is headquartered on Via delle Pandette 32, 50127 Florence
The Department in charge is the Department of Legal Sciences
Students's registrar's office - Via Miele 3, 50127 Florence.
It manages administrative requirements of all students enrolled in the degree program. More specifically, each student can refer to this office for all registration, enrollment, career and diploma-issuing matters.
Degree program administrative office - D1 Building - Via delle Pandette 32, 50127 Florence.
Mainly in charge of course offerings and is available to students to provide information on matters that are closely related to degree programs’ structure.
email :
Hours of Operations: Mondays and Wednesdays 10.30am to 12.30pm ; Tuesdays 3.00pm to 4.30pm